1 min read

The Art of Scaling AI (French article)

In a recent interview with Alliancy - numérique et business, I shared ENGIE’s vision for accelerating the large-scale adoption of AI and digital tech.
The Art of Scaling AI (French article)

In a recent interview with Alliancy - numérique et business, I shared ENGIE’s vision for accelerating the large-scale adoption of AI and digital tech. Three key levers in our approach:

✔ Focusing on value creation (and demonstrating it), and being selective on what to scale.

✔ Enabling organizational agility and the ability to adapt to change.

✔ Driving data-driven decision-making through high-quality, well governed data with clear ownership.

Always with a clear goal in mind: to enable ENGIE’s transformation towards net-zero carbon by 2045, and the acceleration of the energy transition.You can read more details in the interview below👇

La vision d’Engie pour passer l’IA à l’échelle
Biljana Kaitovic est devenue en 2022 la directrice générale adjointe, en charge du numérique et des technologies de l’information d’ENGIE. Elle décrypte pour Alliancy les changements profonds qui ont eu lieu ces dernières années dans le groupe français et ceux […]